Jornada Setters
Breeder of Llewellin Setters
American and European Llewellins that are easy to handle, biddable, foot hunting bird dogs. The British have a saying: "leave no bird behind".
How many upland hunting dogs can be used as non-slip retrievers? Our dogs stay under the gun and wait to mark the next shot bird. Makes wing shooting MORE fun (its already fun).
Our goal is to produce the best upland hunting setters, to improve the Llewellin setter breed and to make every new owner his/her family happy. Yes, we sell happiness and that makes us HAPPY!
American and European Llewellins that are easy to handle, biddable, foot hunting bird dogs. The British have a saying: "leave no bird behind".
Our selection is with an eye for the ideal upland bird dog.
After years of developing upland hunting dogs, we have accumulated a great deal of knowledge. We're referring to the value of a great breeding program and value of individual setters. Let's put it this way: a more valuable setter is a lower cost setter. And we are not referring to the price of purchasing. But, to the work, time and knowledge needed to develop a young dog and the eventual outcome: its utility to its owner.
We don’t focus on beating the competition; the competition is irrelevant, we focus on creating an upland hunting dog that is a leap in value from the normal or average bird dog. And it makes our owners lives dramatically simpler, more productive, convenient and just more fun. We change for better the lives of the families who own Jornada setters and the hunters that go to the field with them.